If you are like most people and me, you get hang up in discussion in online networks as forums, blogs, facebook, Linkedin etc. As a participant and something the moderator/owner it can be difficult to get an outside perspective.
Recently I found a definition of social characters in the book Social Networking communities and E-Dating Services which I like to share with you.
Troll/Humourous (25%)
Driven by chaos forces as a result of mental stimuli, would post provocative comments to incite a reaction.
Chat Room Bob/Exoxic (16%)
Driven by existential forces as a result of experiencing gross stimuli, will seek more intimate encounters with other actors.
Snert/Pariah (14%)
Driven by anti-social forces as a result of social stimuli, will seek to offend their target because of something they said.
Big Man/Patriarchal (9%)
Driven by order forces as a results of mental stimuli, will seek to take control of conflict, correcting inaccuracies and keeping discussions on topic.
Flirt/Orthodox (8%)
Driven by social forces as a result of social stimuli, will seek to keep discussions going and post constructive comments.
Wizard/Assiduous (8%)
Driven by creative forces as a result of experiencing action stimuli, will seek to use online tools and artifacts to produce creative works.
MHBFY/Timid (My Heart Bleeds For You) Jenny (8%)
Drive by forgiveness forces, as a result of experiencing emotional stimuli. As managers they will seek harmony among other members.
Ripper/Pitied (6%)
Driven by thanatotic forces as a results of experiencing gross stimuli, seeks advice and confidence to cause self-harm.
Iconoclast/Vanguard (4%)
Driven by the destructive forces as a result of experiencing action stimuli, will seek destroy content that others have produced.
E-venger/Danferous (3%)
Driven by vengeance forces as a result of emotional stimuli, will seek to get personal justices for the actions of others that wronged them.
I hoped that it gave you an idea of why do people use online social networks.
Few peoples can be characterized as one type; most will act as a mixed of several types.
What type are you a mixed of?
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