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How to use excel to optimize the use of your keyword report

You have your keyword report in an excel spread sheet and you know that there is a world of possibilities to extract information from it. The problem is that you never had the time to get really familiar with excel and a look at your calendar tells you that it is unlikely that you’ll find the time anytime soon. [Read more →]

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What does the different variables and numbers stand for in a keyword report?

You just bought a keyword tool, fire it up and it gets you keywords and a lot of data. You look at the second column where it says searchers. You understand what a searcher is, but like to know what 70 searchers stand for. Is it 70 searchers a day or a month? Is it for all search engines or just for Google? Is it an exact number or an estimation? If it is an estimation you like to know how precise it is and how it is calculated. [Read more →]

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The first industrial keyword report is finished (translation)

When you make keyword reports you are faced with many dilemmas. While making the translation keyword report we could include the language (as English, Chinese and Danish) or only include keywords that have to do with translation (like dictionary, translate and interpreter) or include the language with a qualifier. Read about how we choose the hard way. [Read more →]

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